I guess I should preface this by stating that there are SPOILERS for the movie in this posting. After talking with people this weekend, it seems that the odds are very good that you will be able to purchase this film on DVD at some point. (whether we get a theatre release is another question entirely). Since people reading this blog might actually not want to know what happens, I will put spoiler notices where appropriate in this and future postings.
This was the second weekend of shooting for
The Valley Of Fear (for me). Unlike last weekend, there was no shooting on Sunday, so I managed to leave by 9:30am.
There were two batches of scenes last night:
1. A series of scenes involving campers making s'mores.
2. The murder of one of the s'more-making campers by my character, Jaybird. Jaybird hates s'mores and the people who make them.
In my scenes, I find the campers eating s'mores, go berserk, and kill one of them with an ax. So there was a lot of over-the-top acting, which included me chasing people with an ax. At one point, there's a scene of just the ax: it's clean, it's descends, and then it comes back up covered in blood. That involved me, kneeling, with a bucket of fake blood in front of me; we got to shoot that scene only once (fortunately it went off perfectly)
Fake blood travels pretty far when it's on the end of an ax one is swinging. My jeans are soaking in stain-remover as I speak.
BTW, the ax was a fake, and an
extremely fragile one at that. I fussed over the thing all night, not wanting it to get damaged.
We filmed until about 1:00 in the morning (an hour earlier than last week).
Next weekend I film all day on Saturday, and then that's it until April.