Well, despite my time being split between a baking project and a minor work crisis that kept me on my company
leashlaptop until far too late, I did manage to
read the first completed draft of
Enlightenment (my play). I found a variety of problems, including one really big one:
I didn't care.
The basic story is there. It works. But I finished reading it and realized the play had absolutely no emotional impact on me at all. The most sympathetic character dies at the end, and I was thinking "eh".
What this means is that I need to do more character work. Let me illustrate this. Here are the five characters in the play:
- Carter: An alien with amnesia who is disguised as a human and who has founded a cult.
- Bobby: Another alien (also disguised as human) who is looking for alien #1.
- Charles: A follower of alien #1's cult (this is the guy who dies).
- Rose: #3's crazy ex-wife and anti-cult activist.
- Tucker: The son of #3 and #4, boyfriend of alien #2.
Tucker is the main character. Note that he also is the least interesting character.
Moreover, he doesn't drive the play: things happen to him, and around him, but he doesn't really initiate much.
So, I think next steps are:
- Do some serious character work on Tucker.
- Make him more active.
- Give him a plan from fairly early in the play that will carry him through to the end (this will help with #2).
If the play doesn't get more interesting after doing that, I'm going to have to seriously consider making Charles the main character.