Wednesday, August 16, 2006

What to Write About Now?

Now that rehearsals are finished and the show is up, I find that I don't have a lot to write about (the next performance is tomorrow). So I'll update you on a couple of things.

First, my running program: I ran for 25 minutes both Monday and this morning. On Monday that translated to 2.15 miles, but this morning I was faster and ended up going 2.5 miles! That twice as far as the longest distance I ever ran in high school gym class (the last time I ever did any jogging). I find myself a lot less winded and exhausted than I remember myself being back then, probably because this running web site has a better training philosophy than any of my old gym teachers.

I do think I need to go shopping for real running shoes this weekend, though.

Also, I've finally gotten back to revising Swimming the River. All the parts of my next draft are in place, but they need some polishing, which I should have done in a week or two. It's much improved since the reading in June, and I think I'm going to feel pretty comfortable sending to the Santa Cruz Actors' Theatre Play Contest.

I'm actually looking forward to getting Swimming the River done, as I've been working on this since last fall and I'm itching to write something new.


Blogger DanNation said...

Glad the show is going well! See you soon?

4:33 PM


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