Saturday, June 17, 2006

Gay gay gay.

So I was running errands this morning. Target, Costco, etc. It was warm and sunny, so I put the top down on my cherry red Audi convertible. I then started looking through my iPod for music and settled on the dance remix version of the theme to Brokeback Mountain. After about a minute, I had a realization:

Could I possibly be any more gay?

The answer, surprisingly, is yes. In a couple of minutes I'm going to up it a notch by driving my gay car with its gay music to the annual picnic for the gay activities club I belong to. This is the same club with which I marched in last week's gay pride parade.


Blogger A Bear in the Woods said...

Oh, you ARE gay.
So, ummm, would you like to go and get a drink somewhere?

3:19 PM


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