Thursday, April 27, 2006


I first became a fan of Doctor Who when I was twelve, back in the mid-80s. I really got into it, though my ability to buy Doctor Who-related paraphernalia was limited by my lack of money and the lack of paraphernalia. Mostly, it was limited to books and the occasional box of Jelly Babies.

These days, however, I have a lot more money, and there's a lot of stuff I could buy. Even if it's not available in the U.S., I could still order it from Such as, for example, the Radio Control Dalek:

At £37.95 + international shipping, I'm sure it would cost me at least $80. Still, that's not outside the realm of possibility. Think of the fun I would have using it to chase my cats around the house!

Temptation, temptation.


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